Donate Now

We need your help! As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, we rely solely on donations to keep us running. If you love small animals and want to make a direct difference in the lives of these furry friends, consider donating to ensure that there is a safe and loving place for them to stay and find the perfect adoptive family. Thank you!

EIN: 92-4014927

Please note that this button will take you to our Paypal donation landing page where you have the option to pay by credit card.

Check out our new wish list!

We’re always thankful for product donations, and we are currently in need of the following supplies:

  • 36” tall exercise pens - similar to these

  • High quality Timothy Hay - Standlee makes consistently great hay, as well as Oxbow

  • Rabbit & guinea pig pelleted food (please nothing with added fruit, nuts, seeds, etc. — plain brown timothy-based pellets are best. We recommend Sherwood brand, which has worked for all my small animals and is vet recommended)

  • Oxbow brand small animal multivitamin and vitamin C tablets

  • Paper-based litter/bedding

  • Large cat litter boxes (no lids/covers)

  • Hay racks/feeders

  • Toys/chews (please make sure these items are made for small animals — some paints/dyes are toxic to rabbits and can be deadly if ingested. Treat sticks made of nuts, seeds, fruit, etc. can cause harm to the digestive system and should be avoided even if they are labeled “rabbit-friendly.” Plain apple wood sticks or timothy hay blocks/pellets are great options)

  • Gravity fed water bottles

  • Pet carriers for traveling to and from the vet